Andrew Murdock’s work explores the interaction between Fabricated Systems and Organic Processes, applying a signature language of abstract geometry based around parallelograms, trapezoids and irregular polygons. In many ways this practice is an examination of conflict. Andrew investigates this dynamic through a heterarchical mode of thinking, which embraces the experiential nature of existence. Surprise, unpredictability and entropy are incorporated into a process of manifestation that brings to light the many themes of duality that are central to this endeavor. Contraction and expansion; dynamic and static; positive and negative space; order and chaos all drive a process of distillation that will hopefully illicit a visceral and primal reaction in the viewer, ultimately leading to an intellectual engagement. .
Each pieces starts with rigorous drawing. It is during the drawing process that Andrew explores and resolves the many elements driving the act of distillation. Many times these drawing ideations are amplified to a significant scale for further reflection. Once resolved, the pieces move to the three dimensional realm in the form of scaled maquettes. From this point final execution occurs with very little deviation from the maquette in a bid to remain as true as possible to the original sketch idea.
Andrew’s first cycle of work, “PATHWAYS OF CHANGE”, explores the concerns central to this practice in a variety of scales and finishes, while always remaining true to a well defined geometric language. Smooth cement, hand tuned to bring a more unified sense to the work is modified in larger scaled pieces that apply a textured concrete finish. In addition, reclaimed timber has been manipulated to bring out depth, layers, and a sense of memory. These initial pieces are starting points for larger iterations in the public realm, thereby allowing site specific considerations to emerge.
Moving to Hawaii in 2021 not only provided the physical space required to engage in a full time art practice, focused on sculpture, but also created the essential psychological environment critical to the exploration of a rigorous agenda. It is intended that Andrew’s practice will develop and evolve into site specific and installation realms, that will allow the process to respond to unique environments at an amplified scale. In many ways, Andrew’s current cycle of work can be seen as a study for these significant up-scaled iterations.